Passive Voice - Rules and examples - All tenses in 1 table!
Today we're going to have a look at PASSIVE VOICE. We use this construction when we don't know who performed a certain action or it is simply not important. Passive voice is also a great choice when you write essays, give instructions or write formal e-mails - in the 1st case you can show off with your fluency, in the 2nd and 3rd - whatever you write or say will sound more serious and worth attention :) There are certain situations in which passive voice is not possible, but when it comes to the English language - you will be surprised how many sentences put in the passive voice are considered correct - even though in your native language they would be completely absurd! Study these 2 examples: 1. People say that doctor Martin is the best in town. - This is a normal, natural sentence. Now, let's put it in the passive voice: 2. Doctor Martin is said to be the best in town. - Sounds ridiculous when you translate it into your mother tongue, doesn't it? Well, i...