Verbs followed by prepositions - Elementary/Lower Intermediate level - French translation!

Today I've prepared something for my French speaking students. I've noticed that many of you forget to add prepositions after some verbs and although it doesn't necessarily kill the conversation, it can cause some confusion. Study the examples below and try to remember about them during your next English chat! You can find the printable version of this lesson by clicking HERE . Verbs + prepositions · After some verbs we use a particular preposition (e.g. for; on; to; of etc.) VERB PREPOSITION EXAMPLE Wait For Wait for me! / Attends-moi! Listen To Listen to me! / Écoutez-moi! Belong To That belongs to me. / C'est à moi. Ask For He asked for a cup of tea./ Il a demandé une tasse de thé. Apply For And how did you apply for the job ? / Et comment avez-vous postulé po...