Articles - basics, details, exceptions - all in 1!

Today's lesson will clear a few things for some of you; and some of you will wish you'd never started reading :) The printable version has an extra speaking activity (useful for some busy teachers:)) Click HERE for the printable version. Here are the rules for when to use "A, An or The": a = indefinite article, when you mention something for the first time or in general sentences. Use it before consonants She has a dog. I work in a factory. an = indefinite article, the same rules as with ‘a’. Use it before vowels (a,e,i,o,u) Can I have an apple? She is an English teacher. the = definite article (a specific object that both the person speaking and the listener know) The car over there is fast. The teacher is very good, isn't he? - Use a/an with fractions, group numbers, large numbers (ex: one and a half kilos/ a dozen of eggs/ a thousand) - ...