FCE - top 20 key word transformations

Today I want to share with you my subjective list of the most popular FCE transformations. I cannot guarantee that you will come across them at your exam, but if I could bet some money on it - I would! ;)

The theoretical part is followed by an exercise that will put your knowledge into practice - LET'S GET TO WORK! :)

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top 20 FCE transformations:

        1.       There is no point crying over split milk.  (USE)

                It’s no USE crying over split milk.

2.       Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?   (ABOUT)

How ABOUT going to the cinema tonight?

3.       I'd prefer her to stay at home and study.  (RATHER)

I’d RATHER she stayed at home and studied.

4.       I regret buying this car.  (WISH)

I WISH I hadn’t bought this car.

5.       If I were at the party now, I would be much happier.   (WISH)

I WISH I were at the party now.

6.       You should study harder if you want to get into the medical university.   (HAD)

You HAD better study harder if you want to get into the medical university.

7.       I told you it wasn’t a good idea to take this job.  (SHOULD)

I told you that you SHOULD not have taken this job.

8.       Tom could play the piano when he was 5 years old.  (ABLE)

Tom was ABLE to play the piano when he was 5 years old.

9.       I’m excited to see you next week.  (LOOKING)

I’m LOOKING forward to seeing you next week.

10.    I have lived here since 2010.   (FOR)

I have lived here FOR 3 years.

11.    If I don’t get the job, I will be devastated.   (UNLESS)

UNLESS I get the job, I will be devastated.

12.    I wish I knew the answer to this question!  (IF)

IF only I knew the answer to this question!

13.    People say that he is a good president.   (BE)

He is said to BE a good president.

14.    I don’t want you to buy me anything.  (SOONER)

I’d SOONER you didn’t buy me anything.

15.    I’m sure that David didn’t steal the money; he was at work when it happened.  (CAN’T)

David CAN’T have stolen the money.

16.    I'm sure it was the dog that ruined my flowers!  (MUST)

It MUST have been the dog that ruined my flowers!

17.    It wasn’t necessary for me to go out.   (NEEDN’T)

I NEEDN’T have gone out.

18.    You needn’t study if you don’t want to. (HAVE)

You don’t HAVE to study if you don’t want to.

19.    Somebody must fix the roof.   (NEEDS)

The roof NEEDS fixing.

20.    I was at the hairdresser; do you like my new look?  (HAD)

I HAD my hair cut; do you like it?


 Transform the sentences using the words given in CAPITAL letters. Don't change the given words! Use between 2 - 5 words.

1.    I’d rather he didn’t go out today.         (PREFER)

I ………………………………………………….out today.

2.    I can’t wait going on holidays!  (TO)

I’m …………………………………………………………………on holidays.

3.    I’m sure it was Steve who took the money.     (MUST)

It ………………………………………..who took the money.

4.    You should repair your car, it’s in a terrible state!    (NEEDS)

Your …………………………………………………; it’s in a terrible state.

5.    I wish I had some extra money!   (IF)

………………………………………some extra money!

6.    I couldn’t swim when I was a kid.    (WAS)

I …………………………………………………….when I was a kid.

7.    My mum says that it is a good job.     (SAID)

It ………………………………………………..a good job.

8.    The decorators painted my house.     (HAD)

I …………………………………………………….by the decorators.

9.    It’s no use crying over what’s done.   (POINT)

There’s …………………………………………………………over what’s done.

10.  I don’t have to work today.  (NEEDN’T)

I ……………………………………………….today.

11.  If I don’t win the lottery, I will not go with you.  (UNLESS)

…………………………………………….., I will not go with you.

12.  Shall we go for a beer tonight?  (HOW)

……………………………………………for a beer tonight?

13.  I haven’t seen her for a few hours.  (SINCE)

I ………………….. ………………………………5 o’clock.

14.  I don’t believe that Anna hasn’t passed the driving test; she drives excellently! (CAN'T)

Anna ………………………………………………the driving test, she is brilliant!

15.  I regret not studying for the test.  (WISH)

I …………………………………………………for the test.

16.  I would like you to clean your room, if possible.  (SOONER)

I ………………………………………………your room.

17.  You shouldn’t smoke when the child is in the room!   (HAD)

You ……………………………………………………when the child is in the room!

18.  I’m not sure, but maybe I will go with you to the party tomorrow.  (MIGHT)

I …………………………………………………………………..to the party tomorrow.

19.  It is possible that Anna saw me.  (MAY)

Anna ……………………………………………………….me.

20.  It’s not necessary to wear the uniform.    (DON’T)

You ………………………………………………………….if you don’t want to.

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