Present Simple for the French speakers

Hello everybody! Today, we start with Present Simple, more coming soon!

Present Simple - Construction:


I work. / Je travaille                                             We work. / Nous travaillons
You work. / Tu travailles                                      You work. / Vous travaillez
She/He/works.* /Elle-Il travaille                         They work. / Ils travaillent
It works.* / ça marche                            


I don't* work.                                                      We don't work.
You don't work.                                                   You don't work.
She/He/It doesn't* work.                                     They don't work.


Do I work?                                                             Do we work?
Do you work?                                                         Do you work?
Does she/he/it work?                                             Do they work?

* In the 3rd person singular we normally ad -s to the verb. BUT, if the verb finishes by 'o'; 'ch', 'sh' or 'ss' we add -es.

Ex: I go but She goes / I watch but He watches / I wash but He washes / I miss but It misses

If the verb ends with consonant + 'y', we lose 'y' and add -ies.

Ex: I cry but He cries / We worry but She worries / They study but She studies

* In negative sentences 'don't' = 'do not' and 'doesn't' = 'does not'

Present Simple - Usage:

  1. Actions that repeat regularly / Les actions qui se répètent régulièrement
Ex: I go to the cinema every weekend. / Je vais au cinéma tous les week-end.

     2.  Personal habits / Habitudes personnelles

Ex: I never watch the news, it worries me. / Je ne regarde jamais les informations, ça m'inquiète.

     3.  Timetables, schedules, itineraries / Horaires, itinéraires

Ex: The plane departs at 5 o'clock. / L'avion décolle à 5'00 heures.

     4.  Facts / Les faits

Ex: Water boils in 100 degrees. / L'eau bout à 100 degrés.

Present Simple KEY WORDS

In English, all tenses use a group of time expressions that are typical for them. Knowing them makes learning the language much easier, so... LEARN THEM! :)

At the beginning or end of the sentence / Au début ou à la fin de la phrase:

  • In general / en général
  • Every day / chaque jour
  • Every summer / chaque été
Ex: I watch T.V every day.
Ex: In general, the summers here are very warm.

Between the subject and the verb / Entre le sujet et le verbe:

  • always / toujours
  • usually / habituellement
  • often / souvent
  • sometimes / parfois
  • rarely / rarement
  • hardly ever / à peine
  • never / jamais
Ex: I usually clean my house on Mondays.
Ex: She often studies in the public library.

If you have other questions, don't hesitate to ask me! / Si vous avez d'autres questions, ne hésitez pas à me contacter par e-mail!

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