Conditionals - how to use them outside classroom!

At some point of your English adventure, you must have come across the famous CONDITIONALS. Your teachers were exaggerating how important it is to master this specific grammar point and you promised eagerly to mix the tenses correctly till the rest of your lives. Just to... never use them outside the classroom. In fact, conditionals are really useful means of expression, even if it's perfectly possible to survive a foreign holiday without them :) To help you understand how you can use conditionals in real life conversations, I have written the short text below. Try to notice the logical differences between the three conditionals and don't hesitate to ask me questions if you still have any! For the analizers, some warm-up questions before; for the hard-workers - some vocabulary practice. Key for the lazy ones also included :) Everybody's happy? Good! Now, let's get to work! PDF version Before reading the text, discuss these questions: 1. Is it diffic...